Trinity College grounds on a beautiful sunny day

News & Stories

There's always something happening at Trinity College - stay up-to-date with our latest news and stories.

Also keep an eye on our events for current students, staff, alumni & friends of Trinity College and the general public.

10 Jun 2022

How placing empathy and humanity at the centre of design can revolutionise our lives

After almost 10 years working in media and advertising, Berlin Liew (TCFS 2007) took a chance and followed the advice of a mentor – she changed careers and moved into the fast-paced and innovative industry of user experience (UX) and human-centred design, and hasn’t looked back.

Category: People

02 Jun 2022

Meet Academic Advisor Ada Jia

Ada joined our team in 2022 and here she shares the pivotal moment in her life and the best advice she's ever been given.

02 Jun 2022

What is the relationship between the ‘one’ Anglican Church and the angry contradictions within it?

Those within the Anglican Church of Australia don’t always see eye to eye, but the Revd Professor Mark Lindsay asks: how can we fully flourish in our diversity if we don’t even agree on the basis of our oneness?

Category: Theological School

31 May 2022

Reconciliation Week: A TCAC perspective

Senior Student and head of our TCAC student committee, Patrick Bates, calls out some of Trinity's initiatives that help work towards reconciliation, but also calls for more action.

Category: People

30 May 2022

Reconciliation Week: Bravery and change from the perspective of a First Nations student

Trinity student Elloise Bridge reflects on this year’s Reconciliation Week theme, and says we all need to be brave and speak out.

Category: People

23 May 2022

Prof Robert Phillips: There is no greater moral risk in the world than diffused responsibility

Professor Robert Phillips is the George R. Gardiner Professor in Business Ethics and Professor of Sustainability at York University’s Schulich School of Business in Canada. Here he talks about diffusion and technology and what it means for society.

Category: People

20 May 2022

Prof Andy Crane on the international factory workers who live in prison-like conditions

One of our visiting professors who is presenting during the Gourlay Ethics in Business week from 22-27 May, Andy Crane, provides insight into the conditions at some of India's hostels owned and operated by factories.

Category: People

19 May 2022

Meet Foundation Studies teacher Vanessa Montoya

Vanessa Montoya shares her favourite things about Melbourne and Australia and talks about the magic that comes from making mistakes.

Category: Foundation Studies

19 May 2022

Corporate exit from Russia: ethical – or just woke?

Professor Dirk Matten, one of our visiting professors who is in Australia for the Gourlay Ethics in Business week, weighs in on whether companies should really be exiting from Russia. Are they acting from a place of public good or public pressure?

Category: People

18 May 2022

Amanda Jia’s experience of moving to Melbourne from China

Heqiao (Amanda) Jia admits she was nervous moving to Melbourne from China given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, but is now happy that she made the move and says her English has also improved since she started studying on campus.

Category: Foundation Studies

13 May 2022

With challenge comes opportunity – teaching collaborations across divisions

The upheaval to teaching and learning during the pandemic has also seen some valuable teaching collaborations take place across our three divisions, as our staff adapt to new ways of teaching.

Category: Learning

12 May 2022

You will never get bored at college – Harris Mitter

Growing up in regional NSW, Harris Mitter didn't even know what a college was before he came to Trinity, saying he couldn't believe such places existed.

09 May 2022

From Sydney to Melbourne: Jeremy's story

Jem shares how Trinity has offered an environment and experiences where he has been able to grow.

Category: People

06 May 2022

Claudia McFarlane on moving from a small country town

Claudia McFarlane joined Trinity College on a scholarship, moving to Melbourne from the small Victorian town of Cohuna. Here she proves that you can pursue your passions, no matter what your circumstances.

03 May 2022

The man behind the Trinity College Musical

Third-year Residential College student Jem Herbert speaks about his journey of composing Mageia: a Musical Fable and its fruition as Trinity’s 2022 musical.

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