That was the mind-set of the 26 students who attended the Career Connect – Medicine event in College on Tuesday 17 April.
They had come to hear from four Trinity alumni who are currently working in very difference areas of Medicine – Urology, Rheumatology, General Practice and Obstetrics, and Gynaecology.
Their paths since College have varied and 3rd year Bio-medicine and Residential College student, Tansy Pereira, says it was really interesting to hear about their differing pathways
“It was great to see how they had come to be doing what they are. It was really inspiring. I'm so glad I went,” says Tansy.
Tansy was also interested to hear how important the alumni felt that mentoring is throughout your career, adding, “It was great to hear that alumni are so happy to help”.
Trinity College is very grateful to the following alumni for coming back to College and sharing their stories with the students.
This Career Connect event was one of a series held in the College to connect alumni with undergraduate and postgraduate students, with the purpose of learning about career options ahead.
Click here for photos from the event.
The next event is Career Connect – STEM on Friday 11 May, for students studying Science, Technology, Engineerng and Mathematics.