The internationally acclaimed Choir of Trinity College is the flagship of Trinity’s musical life.
During term-time, the Choir of Trinity College is primarily involved in the singing of services in the College Chapel. Evensong is sung every Sunday at 5pm during term time. A series of short organ recitals will also commence at 4.30pm each Sunday fortnight prior to Evensong, which guests are welcome to attend.
Please see below for the Choral Services schedule for Semester 1 2025.
Preacher: The Reverend Jenny Inglis, Priest-in-Charge of the Parish of Pascoe Vale and Oak Park
Introit: Lloyd God be in my head
Preces & Responses: Smith
Canticles: Dyson in F
Anthem: Mendelssohn Denn Er hat seinen Engeln befohlen über dir
Preacher: The Reverend Hoda Ameri, Assistant Curate for the Emmanuel Iranian churches, Dandenong and Keilor
Introit: Farrant Lord, for thy tender mercy’s sake
Preces & Responses: Clucas
Canticles: Howells St Paul’s
Anthem: Howells Behold O God our defender
Preacher: The Reverend Canon Faraj Hanna, Vicar of Holy Trinity Coburg
Introit: Gibbons Almighty and everlasting God
Preces & Responses: Byrd
Canticles: Batten 4th
Anthem: Tomkins Almighty God the fountain of all wisdom
Preacher: The Reverend Canon Faraj Hanna, Vicar of Holy Trinity Coburg
Introit: Gibbons Almighty and everlasting God
Preces & Responses: Byrd
Canticles: Batten 4th
Anthem: Tomkins Almighty God the fountain of all wisdom
Preacher: The Reverend Moe Win Tun Kin, Vicar of St Stephen’s Werribee and Karen Congregation
Introit: Clucas Keep me as the apple of an eye
Preces & Responses: Piccolo
Canticles: Campbell in B minor
Anthem: Bairstow Lamentations
Preacher: The Reverend Daniel Bol Ateny Nyieth, Priest in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne – Jieng (Dinka) Ministry Congregations
Introit: Gibbons Drop, drop slow tears
Preces & Responses: Martin
Canticles: Ireland in F
Anthem: Vaughan Williams O vos omnes
Preacher: The Venerable Yvonne Poon, Archdeacon of Melbourne and Vicar of St Matthias' Richmond North
Mass Setting: Darke in E
Communion Motet:Byrd Ave verum
Canticles: Ireland in F
Anthem: Vaughan Williams O vos omnes
Preacher: The Reverend Dr Luke Hopkins, Chaplain of Trinity College Melbourne
Introit: Wood This joyful Eastertide
Preces & Responses: Clucas
Canticles: Stanford in C
Anthem: Stanford The Lord is my shepherd
Preacher: The Reverend Nigel Pope, Vicar of St John's Footscray
Introit: Tallis Hear the voice and prayer
Preces & Responses: Martin
Canticles: Byrd 2nd
Anthem: Tomkins O sing unto the Lord a new song
Preacher: The Reverend Melissa Clarke, Vicar of Holy Trinity Benalla and St Aidan's Swanpool
Introit: Byrd Sing joyfully
Preces & Responses: Piccolo
Canticles: Howells Col Reg
Anthem: Lloyd To Christ the Prince of Peace
Preacher: The Very Reverend Michael Davies, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral, Ballarat
Introit: Lloyd, Benedicta sit
Preces & Responses: Clucas
Canticles: Dyson in D
Anthem: Bainton And I saw a new heaven